Thursday, March 10, 2011

Harold & Kumar...

for the past couple of weeks i've been planning a trip to berlin with a friend from my group. he's canadian-chinese. and if any of you have spent time in usa you will (or at least i think you will) automatically think bout the good ol movie - harold and kumar go to to white castle.

anyways, the pressure's been on since we planned this trip, for us to have a wild & crazy trip with stories galore. and to be honest, we both just wanted to go on a roadtrip, hang out, and chillax because we just got done with exams. also, berlin because one of my close friends from bangkok is going to be there. good excuse/reason to head there!

so. exams finish. and just before we hit the road, i head to my room to pack and realize, via email, that i had booked the hotel for the wrong weekend :)

let the stories begin, eh? not sure if its self-perpetuating/self-fulfilling or what, but that's that.

the drive through france to luxembourg was great. and then when we got into luxembourg, we spent a good 1 hour driving through the entire country trying to find our hotel, which i thought was booked near "centre-ville" - of course, luxembourg being really small, a couple of kilometres = very, very, very far from city centre!!! but, it was a fun drive. really beautiful. i mean, it was flat like the drive to nebraska, but still - was just more beautiful. the houses, the farmland... something about it, was very beautiful.

glad to have taken some time off. about to head to luxembourg to check out the city and grab a bite, before driving to berlin, which is on the other side of germany! regardless, should be fun. won't have much email/internet/phone access, but def have quite a few blog posts simmering in my head - just with updates on life and whatnot.

and to top it off, last night, while in my dream-land - first time sleeping more than 5hrs since exam prep started two weeks ago - and i resolved one of the exam questions, which also made me realize that i got it wrong on the final final (taken yesterday afternoon). forgot to relever the unlevered beta.

oh beta, why have you forsaken meeeeeeeeeee! no more dreams about exams... hope you're well! pics to come, promise.

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