Monday, January 17, 2011


By now I'm sure you're tired of hearing about how amazing this place is. I'm sorry. I have to say it once more - and to b honest there will be another very similar post like this. I have to just give a shout out to a few people at this point in time (it is 12:28AM and I need to get to bed because I have a ton of reading to do) but my housemates and my groupmates are just an amazing bunch of people... my eyes have been opened to so many different things/issues/ideas about life and circumstances and situations and job functions and experiences and... well the list goes on (and I will post more specifically on those two sets of folks soon!)

But the point remains very simply this - diversity in the way that it is applied at INSEAD is really only paralleled at places like the United Nations - and I mean that because it is apparently statistically valid. Moreso, however, is the fact that because grades don't matter here and so much of what we do is in the Group learning format, there is a sense of collaboration that is fostered from the minute you step on campus. You want to succeed but you also want your peers to succeed.

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